Starting up a VM in CGP for LLMs

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5/5/20231 min read

Creating a 80GB A100 instance on Google Cloud

  1. Sign up for Google Cloud.

  2. Set up a billing account.

  3. Create a new project called “alpaca” and copy and paste the generated project ID.

  4. Go to and request a quota increase for in us-east4. Note that this may take several hours, sometimes even a couple of days.

  5. Install the gcloud command line tool.

  6. Run gcloud auth login to login using your browser.

  7. Run gcloud init . Select the project you created and the zone us-east4-c.

  8. Run this to create an instance:

    gcloud compute instances create \

    alpaca \

    --project=alpaca \

    --zone=us-east4-c \

    --machine-type=n1-standard-8 \

    --accelerator type=nvidia-tesla-t4,count=1 \

    --boot-disk-size=1024GB \

    --image-project=deeplearning-platform-release \

    --image-family=common-cu113 \

    --maintenance-policy TERMINATE \

    --restart-on-failure \

    --scopes=default,storage-rw \


  9. Wait a few minutes, and then log in to the new instance:

    gcloud compute --project=alpaca ssh --zone=us-east4-c alpaca

  10. Remember to switch it off when you’ve finished:

    gcloud compute instances stop alpaca